Child Dedication

June 16
Headwaters Church

Headwaters Church believes children are a gift from God, and we are glad that you desire to dedicate your child to the Lord. 

You may dedicate your child at any age. Headwaters Church plans two Dedication Services each year, one in the spring and one in the fall.

As a church we care deeply about your family’s spiritual growth. We want to come alongside you as you train up your children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. We are excited to help you in this step of Dedication.

Parent Class: SUN, JUNE 9
We require parents to attend a class before dedicating their children, as a way for you to understand what you are committing to, as well as what the church is committed to, in discipling your entire family. Reserve Sunday, June 9 at 10:45am to attend that class.

Application deadline: June 5

Dedication Service:  SUN, JUNE 16