ABFs | Adult Bible Fellowships

Our Purpose

Church should not be a passive activity. We dedicate a significant amount of time every morning to the preaching of God’s Word and that exposition should always be accompanied by a call to be imitators of Christ. Our Adult Bible Fellowships (ABF) are one way that our church lives out the commands of Christian community found in Scripture. 

ABFs are a mid-sized gathering of adults that are focused on building relationships all centered around the studying of the Bible. An ABF is the best place at Headwaters to meet people and be known by the church. 

What We Do

Our ABFs are generally organized by age but are intentionally flexible within that structure. The time within ABF is spent taking prayer requests, praying, studying, and discussing God’s Word. The time is organized to give relationships an opportunity to grow.  

When & Where

ABF Times and Locations

Contact Us

For any questions related to ABF’s you can call the Church Office at 260-489-4942.