Amplify Building Updates
12/08/2024 Building Updates
- Structural steel beams are in place.
- Concession Stand/Restroom Slab was poured.
- Concession Parking will remain gravel through the winter.
- Work will begin in the Jacobs lot at the beginning of the year.
11/10/2024 Building Updates
- Window added to foyer to provide a view into the future sanctuary construction area.
- Concession Stand/Restroom addition footers have been poured.
- East parking lot excavation work has begun.
- Plumbing for 2nd floor restrooms near the sanctuary have begun.
- Porch on Building 7 was repoured
- First of several steel deliveries arrived.
- Watch the Sanctuary wall coming down timelapse video here.
10/13/2024 Building Updates
- 3rd Floor Classroom, Mechanical room, and Audio Visual Production room has some HVAC and framed walls.
- Future sanctuary roof supports (shoring) was installed and wall demoltion began.
- Wells Street parking lot light pole repair.
- Sewer and Stormwater relocation work underway so we can begin concession stand/restroom construction
6/17/2024 Building Updates
- See before & after photos and updated renderings of the sanctuary renovation project HERE
- Matching Gift Challenge for May 2024 of $200,000. This challenge was exceeded! We raised $377,229 from the April 14th PFW service through May.
- We wanted to thank all who generously gave. Thanks again to all of you! Let's keep it going.
- Give Online Here and select Amplify in the dropdown.
- Watch the updated fly through of the proposed foyer and sanctuary renovation HERE!